New Year, New Name!!!
The SBYSB is undergoing a few changes. Leadership of the programs has changed, Dean Lew has stepped down and passed the torch to a new group. Craig Luzinski and Cory Kimball have volunteered to take over and have decided to set up the operation as more of a club that funds the two programs. That being said there will now be a board of directors with Luzinski as President and Kimball as Vice President. Sarah Mcquillan will be the Secretary/Treasurer, Andrea Mahr will be representing the Softball portion of the Club on the Board and Varsity Baseball Coach Ryan Sturm will be the Baseball Representative. Luzinski and Kimball will be heading up the Youth Baseball Programs and Mahr will be running the Youth Softball. The hope is with the club set up in this way it will provide for more consistency in leadership going forward. It should also help to divide up responsibilities a bit more.
The club will meet approximately four times per year, more as needed, the first meeting was in November, the next will be February 3, at 630pm, at the Stanley High School Library. With these meetings the hope is to keep members up to date on everything going on within the club and answer any questions they may have. Everyone that has an athlete participating in any of the programs automatically becomes a member of the club and is encouraged to attend meetings and volunteer for any positions they may be interested in.
Finally, if you are reading this you have already discovered the new website. This is where all registrations and payments will be taken care of. It will also be the main communication center for all club activities. Team schedules will be posted as soon as they are finalized and coaches will be able to contact all of their team members via this site. For mobile users it is asked that you download the "Crossbar" app from your App Store, when you sign into your account you will have access to all of these features directly from your mobile device. You may notice that costs have increased slightly this year, these numbers bring the fees in line with other area programs and also help to cover the cost and convenience of the new website, as well as help to establish more funds to cover the rising costs of league fees and everything else associated with the program. The program remains 100% volunteer as far as positions within the organization, there is still the need however to pay umpires and other positions that aren't volunteered for. If you or anyone you know would like to volunteer to help out in any way don't hesitate to contact the club at or simply reach out to one of the board members.